Mo’ Bros and Mo’ Sistas Unite for Movember 2012

Movember 2012
Movember 2012

You may have noticed an unusual number of men sporting (or should I say sprouting) some upper-lip topiary.

Not sure what I’m talking about?

How about face furniture, snot mop, nose mane, lip weasel? Or nose neighbour, soup strainer, face fungus, lip rug? Still not cluing in?

I’ll forgive you for not knowing what I’m talking about here and come right out and say it – moustaches.

That’s right; I’m talking about facial felons, misplaced eyebrows and lip caterpillars.

This time of year everyone has got to love a bit of upper-lip plumage. That’s because it’s all for a great cause. Movember.

In case you haven’t heard about Movember, here’s a brief rundown from the Movember website:

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces, in Canada and around the world. With their “Mo’s”, these men raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and male mental health initiatives.

On Movember 1st, guys register at with a clean-shaven face. For the rest of the month, these selfless and generous men, known as Mo Bros, groom, trim and wax their way into the annals of fine moustachery. Supported by the women in their lives, Mo Sistas, Movember Mo Bros raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their Mo-growing efforts.

Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through their actions and words, they raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health.”

Across the Creation family, we’ve got various teams and individuals growing their finest ‘moustachery’ to raise funds and awareness for men’s health. The Creation family has raised a staggering $3,429 to date for this manliest of causes.

Since we are only halfway through this year’s Mo’ season (and more than likely our facial follicle foibles are still yet to mature into fully fledged manly Magnum P.Is) I thought I’d share some of my favourite Mo’ growing tips.

  1. Stare it down in the mirror while reciting football statistics.
  2. Stroke it. This will also make you seem wiser.
  3. Give it a manly name. Max, Frank, Hank, Buck are all acceptable.
  4. Talk about it in third person to family members and friends.
  5. Rub sawdust and motor oil into it.
  6. Do not remove food from your Mo’. Allow chipmunks to feast on any facial crumbs lodged in your face furniture – foraging only helps your foliage and makes you one with nature.
  7. Every morning roar and toss your nose mane as if it were a real lion’s mane.
  8. Read a technical manual.
  9. Create a fire from scratch using only a rock and hunting knife.
  10. Wear flannel.

Now that I have revealed my greatest Mo’ growing secrets, I expect to see some impressive moustaches waltzing around the Creation grounds and our partners.

And remember to keep that moustache to the grindstone and read the Creation Blog for more Movember updates to come.

More great tips: Mo’ Growing Tips with Nick Hofferman

What Movember is all about: Men’s Health Checklist

If you’ve got any great tips to help cultivate that face fungus, feel free to contribute a comment below.

What are your favourites?

3 thoughts on “Mo’ Bros and Mo’ Sistas Unite for Movember 2012”

  1. This is a touching article for me as my husband, Todd, had prostate cancer. He went thru 9 weeks of a special radiation in Bloomington, Indiana and is now cancer free. He is growing his “Movember” stach.
    Thanks to everyone who particpates! Lori Hanson, CSR, ST. Peter BU

    • Thanks for your heartfelt comment Lori. Your husband Todd and many others like him are the reason why Movember is such an amazing cause. Awareness and early detection are the two most powerful tools we have against this disease. Changing habits and attitudes is key to educating males about the health risks they/we face. To quote the apt Movember slogan – Knowledge is Power, Moustache is King.

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