Should CSR be Legally Enforced in all Regions?


Corporate Social Responsibility, or “CSR”, is often discussed in the business world. Most large companies will have CSR initiatives in place, and will likely have a section on their website detailing their involvement in the community or commitment to social and environmental stewardship.

But are corporations doing enough? A few years ago, India became the first country to mandate a minimum spend for companies on CSR initiatives.

In the latest issue of Supply Chain Navigator, an Avnet publication, supply chain and business leaders were asked whether they believe CSR should be legally enforced in all regions.

Creation’s President and CEO, Bhawnesh Mathur, weighed in on the issue, in favor of government playing a role in CSR alongside companies and individuals. Here is what he told the publication:

“Sustainable practices are proven to benefit our customers, associates and environment, yet aren’t widely adopted. Until sustainability is as inherent as cash flow management to product development and business practices, I believe government has a role in guiding corporations to safeguard its citizens and environment.

However, mandates only take a company, an industry, or a society so far. To make a meaningful progress, companies need to have a core belief in any initiative and its ultimate value. As consumers, designers, manufacturers, and business leaders, we have to be out front leading change is we believe in sustainability as part of our ethos.” 

A commitment to CSR has long been a priority for Creation and our customers. As part of the business ecosystem and the global electronics supply chain, we believe making a lasting positive impact on our communities and environment.

What role do you believe government should play in defining corporate CSR policy?

Read the full Supply Chain Navigator article here.


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