On-Demand Webinar: How Design for Environment Can Benefit Your Business

Leading OEMs are innovating in order to reduce environmental impact.


  • Import and export to certain countries, including leading markets such as the U.S. and EU, requires compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Adoption of sustainable practices is proven to increase brand equity. Consumers are increasing demand for ethical products.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility must include environmental consideration in a world with limited resources.
  • DfE reduces costs over the entire product lifecycle.

As product- and region-specific environmental legislation like Conflict Minerals, REACH SVHCs and the RoHS Recast continues to emerge and change, OEMs must position themselves to gain market share and minimize risk.

Creation Technologies, Technology Forecasters and GreenSoft Technology have teamed up to provide an end-to-end view of sustainability that helps you improve your bottom line, and design electronic products to withstand the test of time and comply with continually changing regulations.

More Resources for a Sustainable Approach

Technology Forecasters’ Sample DfE Checklist

GreenSoft Technology’s White Paper on EU RoHS-2 Technical Documents for CE Mark

For more insight on how sustainability can benefit business, please take 16 minutes to watch this TED Talk with the late Ray Anderson, Founder of Interface Inc. and at one time was referred to as America’s Greenest CEO.

If you have any questions for our DfE Webinar Presenters, here is their contact information.

Pamela J. Gordon
Founder and CEO
Technology Forecasters

Diana Ferrari
Engineering Leader and Environmental Compliance Prime
Creation Technologies

Steve Schonebaum
Director, Sales and Marketing
GreenSoft Technology

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